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are you still working on this or is it dead

There is an Update 2 that I finished in June and sent to a few people who supported me on Patreon.

Unfortunately, due to the absolutely heinous and inhuman war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine, I have postponed work on this game. The project is not dead. But while the war is going on, I won't be able to work on the game. I wrote about it on my Patreon page. If you are interested, you can find all relevant information there.

At the moment I moved to Ukraine and work as a volunteer. I also released a short game in August to spread information about the war and to support the Ukrainian people:

Now, if I have free time and moral strength, I slowly develop the concept of a new game. It's called Dwurrindaine 2084. As the name implies, both projects (Dwurrindaine: The Widow's Swamp & Dwurrindaine 2084) are interconnected. When there will be a new release and new updates for these two games, I do not know. Because tomorrow a Russian missile might come in and kill me. The Russian occupation forces are not an army or soldiers. It's a bunch of murderers, marauders, rapists and terrorists.

i wish you and ukraine the best of luck in these shitty times and hope for your good health and safety

stay strong king

I also wish you the best of luck brotha hope your save with the others as well.